The SVA designed and installed a new “Welcome to the Village of Stratfield” sign that sits atop a time capsule! Working in coordination with our local Stratfield schools, we gathered artifacts to put inside the capsule. SVA board members Mike Susol and Dylan O’Connor hosted school assemblies, where they presented the plans for the time capsule and invited the students to ceremoniously share their gathered objects before sealing them inside the box. Students excitedly added their drawings, essays and photos with the goal of returning in twenty years to unseal their memories in the year 2045!
The Four Corners improvement project was funded by the Stratfield Village Association, with additional funding provided by the Town of Fairfield and in partnership with our friends at Sacred Heart University. Improvements include: traffic flow and safety upgrades, aesthetic enhancements, parking and roadway updates, new sidewalks and ornamental light fixtures, new plantings, beautification and landscaping. The goal of the project was to revitalize the intersection of Stratfield Rd (State Road 59) and Fairfield Woods Rd, to increase visual appeal, to make the area pedestrian friendly and to provide for easier access to our local establishments.