Slow Down in Stratfield Village

The SVA is proud to announce we have partnered with well-known artist and Stratfield resident, Jessica Howard, to launch a new program focused on pedestrian safety in our neighborhood- the Slow Down in Stratfield Village initiative.  The SVA has always supported pedestrian and bicycle safety in our neighborhood, we all want Stratfield to be a place where folks can walk their dog, push their strollers and walk and bike anywhere and know they are safe doing so.  Recently the importance and need for better pedestrian safety in Fairfield has been illustrated by the tragic deaths of two people who were hit and killed by cars in our town in separate incidents.  

So when Jessica Howard reached out to the SVA with the idea of a sign campaign to slow down drivers and make them more aware of pedestrians in our neighborhood, we were happy to support her efforts. The issue of pedestrian safety is a very personal one for Jessica as she lost her own mother last summer when she was hit by a car while walking in her neighborhood, and these signs and program are a personal tribute to her mom.  Jessica generously designed the "Slow Down in Stratfield Village" logo and the SVA will be making signs with the logo available to any resident who would like to place one in their yard near the road.  In addition, the SVA will be having light pole signs custom made to be placed on the new light poles that will be installed as part of the Four Corners Project.  Lastly, Jessica has had a special, metal sign designed that can be purchased by residents by contacting her directly at  This sign was specifically designed with height in mind. It stands taller than a yard sign and slightly shorter than a typical stop sign, giving drivers a clearer view to see it. Jessica will not profit from these signs. All proceeds will go directly to the two local businesses that helped to create them. 

The free yard signs will be available for pick-up at Lincoln Parkapalooza 23' on September 9 at the SVA registration and merchandise tent in Lincoln Park on Jackman Ave.  After LPP, you can coordinate pick up of a sign for your yard by contacting the SVA either via a DM on Facebook or email at  

The SVA would again like to thank everyone for your ongoing support, and please remember when you are driving to slow down in Stratfield!


Time Capsule


Treevitalize Stratfield