The Four Corners Project

The Town of Fairfield will conduct a virtual public information meeting regarding the Stratfield Road at Fairfield Woods Streetscape Improvements Project on Monday October 19th, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will take place on Ring Central, which can be accessed via computer or phone at:

The purpose of the informational meeting is to provide an update on the project, to review preliminary design plans and to receive comments.  Preliminary design plans may be viewed at:

The project is being funded in part by a $650,000 State Grant, along with major donations by Sacred Heart University, the Town of Fairfield and The Stratfield Village Association (SVA), a registered 501 c3 non-profit neighborhood association which has spearheaded fundraising for the project and has worked with the Town of Fairfield on the vision and design elements of the project.  Referred to as “The Four Corners Project” by the SVA, the project is intended to make streetscape and pedestrian improvements to the Stratfield Village Business District to enhance pedestrian safety and mobility and beautify and renovate the commercial center of the Stratfield neighborhood. Work is expected to include the installation of concrete walks, new curbing, landscaping, ornamental street lights and other appurtenances. The project encompasses the four corner intersection of Stratfield and Fairfield Woods Roads as well as their respective approaches.

The project is being managed by the Town’s Engineering Department with support from the Office of Community & Economic Development. The Town selected BL Companies with offices in Meriden, CT, to design the project. Following completion of design activities, work is expected to begin by the summer of 2021.


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